I didn’t watch. I rarely do anymore. Watch what, you ask? Any of the myriad awards and tribute television programs out there these days. The most recent version of the Golden Globes was on last night and the internet was loaded with comments panning the boring, arrogant ranting (as usual) done by entertainment elites about every controversial social issue imaginable.
Is there any other group of people besides Hollywood, the music world and their fawning media groupies who have more events to tell them how wonderful they are? And then, they “preach” to their audiences about how insensitive the world is to their biases about issues most of the rest of the world care little about.
I thought these shows were supposed to provide entertainment from entertainers not social discourses from people who know very little about anything or anyone beyond their bubble existence. Sadly, they apparently don’t see how irrelevant they’ve become.
So they get together with mostly like-minded other “stars” (and that’s questionable in many cases) who keep the fantasy of important what they say and do going for one more year.
Let’s see there’s the Oscars, Grammy’s, People’s Choice, American Music, Country Music, Emmy’s, Daytime Emmy’s, the aforementioned Golden Globe’s, Tony’s, Screen Actors’ Guild . . .sorry, there are too many more to list here.
Of course thankfully there are exceptions, real stars who use their talents and platforms for a greater good without seeking more praise, fanfare or glory. People like actors Gary Senise and Mark Wahlberg, athletes like Tim Teboe and TJ Watt, musicians like Carrie Underwood and Michael W. Smith and clean comedians like Nate Bargatze and Brian Regan come to mind.
Unfortunately, many of these other superstars get little, if any, similar awards and are often made fun of or accused of tainted motives or trying to be better than everyone else.
Should they get one of the usual awards (and many are overlooked BECAUSE of their non-Hollywood views), they’re often made fun of publicly, even booed because if they appear not to conform to the views of the day.
So what am I suggesting? Boycott all of the “you’re really great so let’s give you a trophy” shows? No. Not going to do much. I’m guessing that if the programmers continue in the direction they’re going, the programs will boycott themselves. And while the Golden Globes viewership went up after a dismal collapse, Entertainment wrote this at the end of 2023, “Awards shows have been in plight for years, as tanking viewership coincides with a drastically evolved industry.”
In addition, awards aren’t all bad. Everyday people get paychecks, bonuses, tips, honors and other helpful incentives or awards to keep doing a great job. There’s a place for incentives in the right context.
But today, I want to encourage us, especially those who call themselves Christians or Christ followers, to consider seeking REWARDS over AWARDS. Yes, there’s some overlap in the two, but there are also distinctives, at least from the Bible’s wise and practical point of view.
For example, rewards are offered to anyone and to a bigger population. People give rewards to anyone who finds their lost animal, turns a criminal in to the police, good behavior in school, new ideas at work, etc.
In the same vein, rewards aren’t competitive as much as they are motivational. Only one person gets the best actor award at the Oscars, but lots of people can be rewarded for being an outstanding citizen, church volunteer, helper of the homeless or a loving friend.
And rewards don’t have to have an accompanying object to be placed on a shelf and many times in a box never to be seen again. Genuine rewards tend to bring an emotional fulfillment that remains in our soul. They help fulfill our longing to matter and have purpose.
And receiving rewards never requires an audience. Psalm 19:11, speaking about following God’s guidance and direction, says, “In keeping them there is great reward.”
Jeremiah 17:10, “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” Matthew 6:6, “Your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” No show, gala or TV special needed.
And rewards aren’t always given or required in the present.
In Matthew 5:12, Jesus speaks of future rewards to be remembered when facing big-time challenges and conflict. “Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.”
Did you get any awards growing up or even more recently as an adult? A first place ribbon, spelling bee champ, Little League trophy, Teacher of the Year, Outstanding Salesperson? Good for you.
But my hunch is that like me, you have some rewards all round you that don’t come with a trophy or plaque. Keep seeking more of those. They’re worth way more, you don’t need to attend an awards show in a new outfit and guess what, you won’t have to dust them!