Okay, so California is a fascinating, intriguing, beautiful, huge, weird, eclectic, fast-paced, did I mention weird, tech-rich, beach-filled, mountainous, ski-locales, did I mention weird state. From what I can tell, they haven’t seceded (well, maybe Hollywood has), been washed out to sea or divided into two so that there could be North California and South California, split north and south somewhere around U Berkeley.
But it could happen. You never know out here. Things here occur stealthily like the two inches of rain that came out of nowhere, making me run a long way to get the car and totally ruin my hair.
Then there are the Porsches, Lamborghinis, F150s, BMWs that roar past at 90, barely missing your bumper while you clench the steering wheel at 10 and 2 like you’re in a NASCAR race.
And just as you get your breath back, a motorcycle streaks by between you and the car next to you. What could go wrong with that?
But then there’s the fashion issue. Let’s face it. 30% of those older than 55 look like they just left Woodstock. And for you too young to know or remember, I’m not talking about Snoopy’s companion. Look it up online. They look like they’re rebelling at something, but can’t remember what.
Their fashion choices seem to be a combination of avant-garde Goodwill and things left in their closet since 1964. Jackie and I have a deal that if I ever look like any of the extreme guys in this group she can just shoot me right then. A guy in his 80s with a ball cap on backwards, loafers, sporting a mullet, with no socks and an Elvis shirt has to be on major drugs.
And maybe I’m just exaggerating, but there also seems to be a lot of long, straight hair on women who probably shouldn’t have it that way. Uh, definitely shouldn’t have it that way. I see more senior women out this way who still think they should audition for the Brady Bunch. And that Beach Boys hit, you know that applauded the beauties here over the rest of the country, is now 60 years or so old.
Let it go, let it go.
But there are also a lot of cool, unique things to see and do here besides Disney, Hollywood and In n’ Out Burger (which I’ve always thought was an odd name if you get my drift.) I mean considering the whole state, there’s beautiful Yosemite, the Golden Gate Bridge, the San Diego Zoo (which could also describe Hollywood), more than you can count golf courses like Pebble Beach, mountains, deserts and Leonardo DiCaprio.
For example, where we are, there are the beautiful views of the Pacific, easy access to abundant history, myriad parks and museums and Ostrich Land. But lest you be too excited about those attractions, California is also home to: The Gemological Institute of America, Pet Cemeteries in San Francisco’s Presidio and the Groveland Hotel with a ghost named Lyle, just to name a few.
So, even at our ages, Jackie and I are still learning, experiencing and being influenced by new, mind-expanding, progressive experiences. In fact, our interests tend to focus on the natural world, out of doors, mountains, etc.
However, we did have a slight misstep during our planning that we think can still work out. We apparently connected with both a whale-watching tour and a dolphin experience company so tomorrow we’ll be swimming with the whales. A Bible story comes to mind. Like I said, California is weird.