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Listening To God? Thoughts on How.

I’ve always wondered a bit about how God talks to us and how He’s talked to people in general throughout mankind’s time on earth. From the Old Testament, it’s pretty clear that His main vehicle of communication was actually speaking out loud. That had to be pretty bizarre, however for the early Bible heroes, it was the norm.

“Hey Noah, uh, I want  you to start building a big boat, a really big one. Yep, even though there’s never been real rain here. Uh-huh, kind of like Austin, Texas will be in a few thousand years.”

Moses, of course, got an extra surprise from God when He spoke out of the burning bush. Samuel was awakened in the night and it took him a few mentions of his name to get him up. Kind of like teenagers today on a school morning.

In the book of Daniel, God even wrote things on walls before there were toddlers and crayons.

Eventually the Jewish people had the complete Old Testament in writing which is still an essential part of both our communication with God today and living wisely and to the fullest.  (NOTE: Some have suggested that the Torah or the first five books of the Bible were available in a more contemporary version called The New Living Torah but I can’t find any documentation for that.)

Thankfully, we as Christians today have the entire Bible where God has given us the foundations of wise living, truth, history, creation, the future to come, salvation and His continuing love and care for us. And anything God says to us today must still be in line with His foundations in the Word.

But does He still speak in other ways about specific things, current direction, details of what it means to walk in wisdom, truth, love, faith and the Spirit. What about the outcome of the election? It would be nice to know sooner, wouldn’t it?

Well, I can’t speak for everyone nor can I provide a specific passage of Scripture to make my stand above others. But I’ll share with you how I believe I most often hear from God and maybe it will resonate with you or expand your listening practices each day.

My most common experience? He speaks to me through my mind, my thoughts, often an idea or direction that I can’t shake. For example, I Corinthians 2:16 says clearly enough, “We have the mind of Christ.” 

But I’ll wonder about becoming involved in an activity, ministry or anything else that would require an important decision. At first, I usually just have a thought, a request, a challenge or thoughts spurred by a conversation.

Within an hour or a day, it’s gone, never to resurface.

However, it seems like when God is speaking, the thought returns over and over. In other words, I can’t shake it. But it’s not just the exact same thought anymore, but rather a developing possibility colored by extended ideas, creative thoughts and a growing enthusiasm to keep pondering.

It’s in those times that I perk up, sometimes process it with Jackie or other trusted friend, pray and ask for confirmation or more direction. That’s when the idea seems to take root and I sense that God was in it. Yes, we can still be off base, but I’m confident that God can stop me if I or a group of us are wrong.

That’s happened too.

And I know that there are other factors that can affirm, guide and put an immovable stamp on individual or group ideas. But having a strong foundation confirmed in my mind, heart and everyday thought life makes those bigger steps stronger and confident.

So just because we can’t shake a thought doesn’t make it from God. Often I can’t shake the words to an oldie from the 70’s or the theme song from the Brady Bunch. But God’s very good about making his voice heard if we’re willing to listen.

Deuteronomy 30:20: "Love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him."

Prayer isn’t a one-way street.



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