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So, I Can't Not Blog on Eclipse Day

Writer's picture: Gary SinclairGary Sinclair

As some of you know I'm on a month-long sort of hiatus from my blog to re-tool my new website, combine it with Never Quit Climbing material and perhaps have a second one to simplify things.

Actually I'm finding the whole process quite easy now that our daughter Amy is handling all that stuff for me. You'll see a lot of improvements, little tweaks and me actually going to sites, apps and techniques that I know nothing about but will make me appear far more knowledgeable, professional and yes, cool.

But back to the ellipse, I mean eclipse. And first I can't resist telling you that many hair salons (AKA barber shops) are today only offering a video cut that you can do yourself and they're free. They're called e-clips. Thank you. Aren't you glad I'm back?

However, seriously (or Siriusly if you're streaming music) what is an eclipse of the sun? It is a celestial event every 190 years or so, when people believe they should with scores of friends while drinking beer stare at the hottest thing in our solar system thankful that there's no school and they probably don't have to go to work.

And if they're lucky, the moon actually gets in the way of seeing the sun for a while, they take pictures of it and if they don't wear special glasses should immediately head to their ophthalmologist's office. And perhaps get counseling somewhere.

But watching this celestial show today should be pretty amazing, especially since the government has no control over it and can't tax it (well, I hope not), but will probably blame their lack of accomplishments on someone or something else like oh right, the eclipse.

I'm also picturing that in the middle of the afternoon, a growing flash mob choir will appear where they're all singing, "The sun will come out tomorrow . . . ." I'm getting tears in my eyes and goosebumps just thinking about it, which of course is part of another line in the song.

So, you're asking about now, "Gary, why did you take this little break to write about the eclipse. If you're just trying to be funny, then keep your day job." Which in small part, is to be funny. Some of us need a little laughter in our challenging lives and world.

But I think there might be two extremes that would be wise to avoid on this unique day when our solar system events probably "eclipse" the significance of the usual events of an average day.

The first extreme would be to just ignore the bigness of what's happening. Most of it's happening every day but we don't see how amazing it all is. But these two huge balls travel incredible numbers of miles every twenty four hours to give us light (yes, reflected from the moon), heat and constancy that goes beyond my knowledge and understanding. I would guess you feel the same way.

How did they get here, why do they work? What an amazing show if they're just the result of random events over lots of years that no one can figure out the beginnings for. If nothing else, today's events are worth some more exploration if you don't at least see a supernatural source for the start and continuing control.

The second extreme is to make too much out of today. Some who hold to a supernatural, intelligent design start, try to be God's voice and suggest that a major eclipse indicates that something else supernatural, a big something, is in the works. The problem is that eclipses like this have been going on for many years. We just don't live long enough to see them more than once or at best a time or two.

I'd suggest two things we might do. Ponder the bigness and the reasons behind our world, solar system and universe being what it is. And think about your part in it. Why are you here? Accident. Cosmic luck. Total chance. Or are you an important part of the big plan? Are you here for a purpose that could make your day and give you this sense of mattering.

In my thinking, the working of the solar system isn't what gives us life and meaning. It's the One who made the solar system work that does that. Think about it as you check out the eclipse today. Check out those free haircuts. And don't forget your special eclipse glasses.


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